Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's Started!

So we have finally started. Goodness never thought it would be here. Last week was orientation stuff and this week classes have actually begun. We got our light meters and cameras on Monday and Tuesday. Learning to use both was intimidating and scary but I am finally getting the hang of it. My group went to a nearby historic town called Historic Deerfield and shot two different types of pictures in two different ways. I finally got the shots with much frustration and photographers block (my made up term to parallel a writer) but they turned out and my favorites were unfortunately not ones I could turn in. All in all a great day. Two more days this week can't wait to fill my brain more with crazy knowledge!

(I am working on finding an online photo album so I can post a link to see my pictures :) )


  1. You are going to do great. I really believe you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Have fun learning new things this week and I look forward to following your progress.

  2. Thanks it's very reassuring to hear that. Thanks!

  3. I agree completely with your mom! you are going to go far and do great! you will learn so much and I cant wait to hear about it all! you are amazing in all ways I know you will all of your goals by the end. as you always do.
