Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 6 and part of 7!

Oops I kinda forget..ran out of time..and didn't post this weekend. I am so terribly sorry. I am starting to get busy and I have a lot of homework but tonight is a work night. I have four assignments due Monday. :/ Me and Carli were planning on staying in NYC Friday night cause we will be there already with school. After a while of arguing with myself I decided that spending money on NYC was just something that I could not do right now. So we will be taking a bus to NYC and arriving at 10:30 am and leaving back for Hallmark at 3 pm. So it's not a lot of time in NYC and I will be spending all that time probably in The Photo Plus Expo. I will get a real trip back in November which I am so beyond excited for, just need to get through these next four weeks. Which seems short and easy but it's not as easy as it sounds lol. The October graduates are getting ready for graduation on Thursday and they have the huge tent set up behind the Administration building and it's making me excited for June. We talked in record keeping today about the importance of keeping good records on where your money is going and how to do that. It is so very overwhelming and a lot of information but I think with some help (From my organized mother :) ) I will be ok in that department. I kinda enjoy the organization part just a tad.
Well onto what we have learned the past week and half due to the world of photography. Last week we talked about colors and their temperature. An example is like your reds, oranges, and yellows are warm colors. Then blues, and purples are considered cool colors. We had a field trip and we had to take four different pictures. We had to take pictures with the persons clothing color and the background color. They were as follows: warm on cool, cool on warm, warm on warm and cool on cool. That was my pictures from last week. I am including a picture I have already taken this week cause simply I think it is way too awesome not to share. This might be my favorite image so far. We learned how to make colored shadows. I have two more assignments to shoot this week so I will have an official week 7 post.
 Finally, There are going to be some images that were not for school but as I was leaving a friends house and looked in the sky and I saw a double full rainbow! Gorgeous! So there are those images
Cool on warm 

Warm on warm

Warm on cool

Cool on cool

Beautiful rainbow

Look to the left of the bright rainbow you can see the second rainbow

The full rainbow and you can see the second up on top of it faintly

My awesome shadow picture

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 5!

Sorry with getting this up later but I didn't finish one of my assignments till this afternoon. I'm not procrastinating I have just been waiting for sunlight. Ya it kinda stinks when your assignments need sunlight, but welcome to the world of photography. This week we were talking about light again. We went over last weeks assignments on light you find (Which was the part I needed sunlight for) and we talked about light you make.We got to be in the portrait studio for four hours and the commercial studio for four hours. I took pictures of a box of Disney princess fruit snacks and a tube of bread crumbs. I am not going to post these simply cause it was a box and tube. We then got to work in the portrait studio lighting a model a specific way. I am very pleased to announce that the lights we used were from....Home Depot! Yes I will be buying part of my light set someday from Home Depot. (I bet Lowes has them too so I could make it a date ;) lol mom) Then we had a shoot for autumn in New England. This was for a class in stock photography so we had to shoot as if for stock photography. Me and my roommate carved pumpkins for our assignment that we had for the stock photography. It has been so long since I have carved pumpkins but it was so much fun! Then I went out on my own time today and went to Poet's Seat, Sugarloaf Mountain, and The Yankee candle Factory. Poet's Seat and Sugarloaf were to take pictures that were shooting down into a valley. The Yankee Candle visit was because it was five minutes away and I have always wanted to go there. The look out points were beautiful looking out over the red, yellow, and orange trees. The Yankee Candle Company was probably my favorite. I wasn't there to take pictures. I was just there to have fun and look at the amazing building all set up for Christmas! I have some pictures though from inside there. A discretion they were taken with my Iphone so don't down the photographer cause the quality is not as good. On the other hand you can applaud Apple for making a pretty good camera in a phone. So that has been my week. Fairly hectic but it;s good cause it means school is picking up. Here are some pictures from this week!
Another great use for the Iphone 4

One of my stock photography shots

My 'Crazy' stock photography shot. I like this one a lot.

In the portrait studio we had to make an 'edgy' image

I shot this one this afternoon for the light you find. This is a backlit portrait.

This is from the top of Poet's seat I believe

This is from the top of Sugarloaf Mountain

In the Yankee Candle Factory (snowmen for mom)

Again in the Yankee Candle Factory

A Random giant cow in the Yankee Candle Factory

the North pole line of village housing. There was so much in there I couldn't post nor take a picture of the sheer hugeness of the store.

One side of our pumpkin display on our porch

Carli's pumpkin with mine in the background

The pre-cut pumpkin

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The meal I was not meant to eat

So I had this meal planned for me to make on Sunday. I got tied up and was not able to make it Sunday. I decided that's ok I will make it on Monday. I got in late from shopping and making apple tarts and did not want to make it on Monday. No big deal I will cook it on Tuesday. I go to cook it on Tuesday and it looked like I forgot to buy a can of corn. So I was frustrated but thought no big deal,again, I will buy a can of corn and make it on Wednesday. While cleaning out the freezer today,after I bought a can of corn,  I found a bag of frozen corn intended for this meal. So I went and bought corn that I thought I was missing but I already had it. I laughed at myself and started to cook my meal. I then noticed that I got a chicken breast with bones instead of boneless chicken. grrrr. I then spent ten minutes mutilating this poor chicken with my hands and pulled all the bones out of the two chicken breasts. I felt very uncivilized. I finally got the chicken seperated from the bones. I started sauteing it and grease splatered all over my arms and one hot big grease ball flew into my eye. (No harm done though) After a very frustrating time and much work I finished my mexican chicken skillet. The worst part of the meal was the rice that I just opend the pack and set it in the microwave. Go figure.
Here are pictures today:
#1- finished meal
#2- The poor chicken after my attack

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 4

Well this week....Not as good as last week unfortunately. There were some frustrating times, but it was ok. we learned how to light peoples faces outside using back light and our reflectors. The day we had to use our reflectors to side light the persons face it was completely overcast. It was super hard to get enough light on our models face but I made it work. We then had a field trip to nearby Northampton. It was the coldest and rainiest day all week... I got some ok images. I went with a group another 30 minutes south to Springfield to a museum there to take pictures. The only thing that makes today great is I have a three day weekend! We have a Monday off for Columbus Day. So here are my favorite images this week.
#1- A practice shot of Carli
#2- My picture turned in for my homage of Arnold Newman
#3- My picture turned in for an assignment, my subject broke up lines.
#4-#7- Me playing around tonight

Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 3!!

Hey, So this week was a fairly awesome week. There is usually a topic or lesson of the week. This week it was motion. We learned how to stop motion or how to blur it. We had an assignment where we had to show speed, grace or flowing, and weird or creepy. It was a really fun assignment. We also did a visual arts assignment where we had to use curves and straight lines. We had another assignment to shoot for what we called our freedom assignment. It was an assignment where we had to show freedom and confinement. Then finally we started our 5 minute speeches about us. I didn't have to go this week but will probably give mine next week. I don't have any homework over the weekend so I am looking forward to just relaxing and taking it easy. 
Picture #1-Graceful picture
#4-Greg Heisler Walking in one of our motion practices
#7-Curvy paper picture