Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 6 and part of 7!

Oops I kinda forget..ran out of time..and didn't post this weekend. I am so terribly sorry. I am starting to get busy and I have a lot of homework but tonight is a work night. I have four assignments due Monday. :/ Me and Carli were planning on staying in NYC Friday night cause we will be there already with school. After a while of arguing with myself I decided that spending money on NYC was just something that I could not do right now. So we will be taking a bus to NYC and arriving at 10:30 am and leaving back for Hallmark at 3 pm. So it's not a lot of time in NYC and I will be spending all that time probably in The Photo Plus Expo. I will get a real trip back in November which I am so beyond excited for, just need to get through these next four weeks. Which seems short and easy but it's not as easy as it sounds lol. The October graduates are getting ready for graduation on Thursday and they have the huge tent set up behind the Administration building and it's making me excited for June. We talked in record keeping today about the importance of keeping good records on where your money is going and how to do that. It is so very overwhelming and a lot of information but I think with some help (From my organized mother :) ) I will be ok in that department. I kinda enjoy the organization part just a tad.
Well onto what we have learned the past week and half due to the world of photography. Last week we talked about colors and their temperature. An example is like your reds, oranges, and yellows are warm colors. Then blues, and purples are considered cool colors. We had a field trip and we had to take four different pictures. We had to take pictures with the persons clothing color and the background color. They were as follows: warm on cool, cool on warm, warm on warm and cool on cool. That was my pictures from last week. I am including a picture I have already taken this week cause simply I think it is way too awesome not to share. This might be my favorite image so far. We learned how to make colored shadows. I have two more assignments to shoot this week so I will have an official week 7 post.
 Finally, There are going to be some images that were not for school but as I was leaving a friends house and looked in the sky and I saw a double full rainbow! Gorgeous! So there are those images
Cool on warm 

Warm on warm

Warm on cool

Cool on cool

Beautiful rainbow

Look to the left of the bright rainbow you can see the second rainbow

The full rainbow and you can see the second up on top of it faintly

My awesome shadow picture


  1. I love how there is no mention of me helping you decide about NY OR me coming up for Thanksgiving! :(

  2. oh, I guess I will also comment and let you know that the pics you are taking are getting better! I can also tell that you are becoming your own photographer now, instead of letting instructors dictate how you take pictures! your taking what they are instructing and guiding you to do and applying it in your style.
