Monday, November 1, 2010

Crazy times and even more crazy ahead!

Whew what a week and some crazy times ahead! Since my last post I went to NYC! I am not calling it my first trip to NYC thought, that will be in Thanksgiving with Cameron. We drove into the city and went to the Photo Plus Expo and then my group walked like four blocks to a diner to eat then back to the expo. The bus didn't even go through any of the main part of the city. So my first trip will have to wait like three more weeks. While at the expo I got a lot of ideas for when I actually have my own business and ways to promote my self. I had a blast and can't wait till I have my own business.

So today. Man a big day! We talked about strobes (in case you don't know that's flash). I am excited but nervous about using the strobes. It can and will add a whole new dimension to your pictures and make you more professional. Today was also a big day because we were handed our Phase I final portfolio assignment. It's a really huge assignment. It is worth $12,000 Hallmark dollars (Not real money and not refundable in any way, they grade in money), to put that in perspective all of my assignments up until now have been worth between $500-$1,000. This is a big part of my grade! I am nervous but excited about it. I have a lot of ideas but I also know I have a busy two weeks ahead of me. We have ten images to create. The range in difficulty between taking a picture of your hand to a self portrait to freezing and showing motion. So here goes my first big assignment. We have been up until now handing in digital files. This one we have to hand in digital files and print the files. Printing may sound easy but it isn't. It will become easy after I do it more. The difficult part is the color you see and the picture you see on the screen is not the way it prints. The monitor and paper have different qualities so it may look good on the computer but that is not how it will print.

Here are some of the pictures from this week this is not all of them just some of the best ones.
Models at the Nikon booth in photo Plus

Outside the Photo Plus Expo

Out of the bus while driving threw NYC

A cool truck in the street of NYC

A pretty building in NYC

A picture I turned in for an image shot in daytime

The last picture in a series I shot for at night time 

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